Embodied Healing Practitioner in Melbourne, FL

Releasing trauma through neurosomatic methods

My story

I believe in you

I'm your hope dealing mentor and guide, teaching you how to get out of pain; physically, mentally and emotionally. You will often hear me say, you are enough and it's never too late to get the life, love and business you desire and deserve!

For over 3 decades I've been a champion of behavior change, personal growth, empowerment and transformation. I've taken my 1:1 coaching methods and transformed them into some unique and wildly successful courses, programs and workshops. I teach people how to shift negative thinking, let go of their past, reconnect to their bodies, align with their soul's purpose, lead with confidence and live a life they love and deserve.

I believe in the power to grow, heal and evolve. Freedom, connection, unbridled happiness, wild success and loving your Self with reckless abandon...they are ALL within your reach.
Number of happy clients
Coaching Certifications
Number of goals achieved

What my clients have to say

"I am so grateful for how you taught me how to be in touch with my body and it's messages, as well as freeing myself from my abusive past. I feel like I am powerful and that nothing can stop me anymore. I owe it all to you, Shandra. Thank you!"
Embodied Coaching
Anonymous (Plastic Surgeon)
"Shandra is an amazing coach overall. She has the background, research and and toolkit (actual and intellectual) that only years of a life dedicated to healing can bring. Shandra has a safe energy that can calm and help guide towards a path of authentic healing."
Trauma Recovery
Tara D. (Bodyworker)
"Shandra Artura's coaching delivered amazing results for me. I'm not the same person. Everyone can see it. I love that I'm in control of my life. The transformation in my life has been amazing. It has helped me in my relationships so much. I highly recommend her."
Relationship Rescue
Maryanne (Hospitality)

Words I live by

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”

— Walt Disney

Get Your Dream Life Back

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